African continent has been influenced by the culture of no written language for a long time, so the ways of customary law coming into being mostly depend on passing from mouth to mouth. 非洲大陆由于长期存在的非文字文化的影响,习惯法的生成途径大多离不开口耳相传。
In addition to written law, customary law has retained an extremely important role all over the world. 除了成文法外,判例法在世界范围内仍然发挥着极其重要的作用。
Customary law of the minorities: resources for rule of law and social harmony in western China: an interpretation based on legal anthropology 少数民族习惯法:构建西部和谐社会的法治源泉&一种法律人类学的阐释
Three Perspectives of the Research in Criminal Customary Law of Minority Nationality 研究少数民族刑事习惯法的三个视角
Culture, Faith and Reason: Three Bases of the Re-birth of Ethnic Minority's Customary Law on Environment 文化、信仰和理性:民族环境习惯法重生的三个基点
A Investigation on the Customary Law Civil in Xinjiang Kirgiz's Traditional Society 新疆柯尔克孜族传统社会民间习惯法调查
There exist obvious conflicts between Yi criminal customary law and national criminal law in terms of crime and non-crime, types of crime, and conviction. 彝族习惯法和国家刑法在罪与非罪、此罪与彼罪以及处罚等方面存在明显冲突的一面。
Therefore, by examining the cases of British courts in detail, this article analyzes how the rules of international customary law have been applied in Britain. 文章以英国法院的实践为线索,通过评析相关重要案例,阐述国际习惯法如何在英国适用的问题。
Linguistic Characteristics of Customary Law: From Perspective of Basic Linguistic Elements 论民间法语言的特点&以语言基本要素为视角
Legal source doesn "t, from its essence and basic composition, imply that the customary law cannot be one of the origins of a country" s legal system. 法源在原始含义、基本构成等方面不排斥习惯法成为一国法制的渊源。
A value judgment is made based on the systematic induction of the Yicriminal customary law, which is believed to be complimentary to the current national criminal law. 在对彝族刑事习惯法系统归纳的基础上做出价值判断。笔者认为彝族刑事习惯法对现行国家刑法也存在着补充作用的一面。
International customary law is the main and the oldest sources of international law. 在国际法渊源体系中,国际习惯法是最古老、最主要的渊源之一。
As a kind of national culture, national customary law is facing with the collision of the era. 摘要民族习惯法作为民族文化的一种表现形式,面对着时代的冲击。
They developed customary law of water and soil conservation, soil conservation and saving land landing on the basis of nature worship to land. 他们在对土地自然崇拜的基础上,发展出了保持水土、保护土壤和节约土地等习惯法。
Farmers continued to become divided, the norm of customary law suffered great damage and the closure of village community was broken. 在帝俄时期,农民继续分化,传统的习惯法准则遭到破坏,村社的封闭性被打破。
It administered the customary law merchant. 它实施商业习惯法。
African customary law would have no difficulty with the first concept, as Hindu law would have no difficulty with the second or Buddhist law with the third. 而非洲的习惯法却毫无困难地把土地,像印度法把佛像和佛教法把动物一样看成有权利和义务的个体。
The Reinterpretation of Customary Law in Tibetan Areas: from the Analysis of "the value for life" 藏区习惯法的新解读&从赔命价问题的分析介入
Legal Professions, Merchant Associations, and the "Customary Law" Issue in Qing China 法学专家、苏州商人团体与清代中国的习惯法问题
She was lucky, because most widows in Tanzania inherit nothing under traditional customary law. 她是幸运的,因为根据传统的法律,大多数坦桑尼亚妇女什么都不能继承。
Customary law includes also conventional customs. 习惯法也包括约定的习惯。
This paper talks about the role of Lizu customary law in forest environment protection. 本文论述黎族习惯法在森林环境保护中的作用。
The Conflict of Customary Law and State Law in China during the 1930s: A Perspective in Banking Law 民国时期钱业习惯法与国家法的冲突&以三十年代银行立法为视角
Customary law plays a role together with the statutory law in the application interpretation of criminal law. 习惯法在刑法适用解释过程中,同制定法一起发挥作用。
The Druids constituted the learned priestly class, and they were guardians of the unwritten ancient customary law and had the power of executing judgment, of which excommunication from society was the most dreaded. 德鲁伊教团员组成了有学问的祭司阶层,他们是古代传统口头律法的守护者,拥有执行判断的权力,被团体驱出教会是最可怕的。
Customary Law as Extra-statute Reason to Hinder the Illegality the judicial organ shall investigate, according to law, his criminal responsibility, if the violates the criminal law. 作为超法规违法阻却事由的习惯法&刑法视域下习惯法违法性判断机能之开辟触犯刑律的,由司法机关依法追究刑事责任。
Conflicts and Adjustment in Qiandongnan Miao Customary Law of Marriage with National Law 黔东南苗族婚姻习惯法与国家法的冲突与调适
This "oppression" of the original legislation and not the customary law of a subversive impact. 这种压迫式立法并没有对原有的习惯法产生颠覆性的影响。
Juristic law is formed on the basis of recognizing and refining the customary law. 法学家法是在对习惯法进行认识和提炼的基础上形成的。
In this way, custom and customary law are distinguished. 这样,习惯和习惯法这两种规范就区分开来。